Skiing in Granada



When storms arrive, life at the top of this treeless mountain stops and visitors either drop down to Granada or curl up with a good book. With good weather the views are spectacular — almost unbelievable. From the top of the Veleta peak, skiers can see across the Mediterranean to the Atlas Mountains of Morocco.
The resort town itself, basically a sparse cluster of hotels and apartments at the base of the first series of lifts, is modern with a hint of traditional charm. It is purpose-built. It is here only for skiing and has been well located for that pursuit. It is not a traditionally Spanish enclave, nor does it appear in any sense Alpine; however, if you want to find snow in southern Spain, this is the place to be. When it does snow, it comes down light and dry because of the low humidity in Southern Spain. When it doesn’t snow, Sierra Nevada has one of Europe’s most advanced snowmaking systems

The ski resort has numerous runs of varying difficulties to satisfy all levels of skiers. Natural snow is supplemented by snow cannons on some runs, and many skiers are pleasantly surprised to find that, because of its southerly position, the air temperature is usually warmer than other resorts.
Depending on the snow levels, the season generally runs from the end of November or the beginning of December until sometime in April.
What Sierra Nevada does exude is the intoxicating Spanish love of the good life. There are lively tapas bars, quaint shops and elegant hotels climbing the mountainside. No one who comes here forgets good food and spirited nightlife.
In preparation for the the 1996 World Cup, Spain improved virtually every aspect of the village including the access road from Granada. Even the old original mid-60s modern hotels have been given a facelift and more of an traditional facade.

Sierra Nevada Tourist Information:
Patronato Provincial de Turismo de Granada,
Pl. Mariana Pineda, 10-2, Granada, Spain
Country code: 0034
Tel: 958-223527


For reservation center and information contact

Sierra Nevada Club Cetursa sierra Nevada, Plaza de Andalucia, 4, Sierra Nevada, Monachil-Granada.
Country code: 0034
Tel: 958-2491000 and 958-249111
Fax: 958-249146 and 958-249122