Huevos a la Marinera



Huevos a la Marinera


6 eggs
1 tin tuna
2 tins anchovies
6 stuffed olives

For the Mayonnaise:
2 eggs
Vinegar or lemon
Olive oil


Place the eggs in a saucepan with plenty of cold water and a pinch of salt. Bring to the boil and simmer for 12 minutes, stirring occasionally to make sure the yolk stays in the centre. Remove from the water, leave to cool and remove the shells.

Meanwhile, prepare a mayonnaise: place the two eggs in a bowl, together with a tablespoonful of vinegar or lemon juice and a pinch of salt. For a lighter sauce, add a few drops of water. Take a hand blender, place in a bowl and begin to add the oil, moving the blender up and down until the mayonnaise is ready. Check for salt and lemon.

Cut up the eggs lengthways and remove the yolks. Mix four of the yolks with the tuna (drain off the oil) and the mayonnaise. Stuff the egg whites with the mix and place upside down on a platter. Cover with mayonnaise. Place a string of anchovy fillets around each egg, top with half an olive, and finally sprinkle with the two remaining egg yolks.

Decorate the platter with finely chopped lettuce