”I am not what has happenned to me, i am what i choose to become” This is one of my favourite sayings, and something i have reminded myself of when times have gotten tough.

Stress, burnout, depression, anger, anxiety, loss, grief, all of these can stem from situations we find ourselves in. Often they are overwhelming and debilitating, causing us to ostracise ourselves from family and friends or life in general. We can become so consumed by what is happening to us that we find it hard to see a way out let alone even look for one. Sounds familiar?

Take a first step

The first step to feeling well again is often taken when you reach out for help from a therapist. The initial movement to saying: I am not okay and I need some help is often the hardest and yet the most powerful thing we can do for our well-being.

This is why iIcreated Clearvision, and bought my therapy and coaching into being online for ease of access from wherever you are in the world and however time limited or location restricted you may be. Taking care of your psychological and emotional wellbeing is one of the best investments you can make into yourself.

With the experiences that life presented me, and being a trained psychotherapist, I can understand your needs more, tailor the therapy or coaching sessions specifically for you. Bringing together a unique blend of knowledge and approaches together for one aim….your well-being

Do you feel you are stuck in your life right now, have you plateaued? Maybe you are so immersed in your work life that you no longer have time for anything else. Perhaps you constantly crack the whip behind yourself and are your own worst critic? Do some of these sound familiar? Then coaching may be something for you.

Towards long lasting changes

Most of us at some point in our lives will or already have found ourselves stressed to the maximum, we get fed up disheartened disillusioned. We lose our sense of who we are and the once high enthusiasm we had for life is not there so much. That’s when depression, anxiety, psychosomatic symptoms, erratic or repetitive behaviour starts. Its when we start to dysfunction and slip into behaviours and habits that may not be of benefit to who we are and where we want to be in life. 

Equally there are those of us who have such huge ambitions and fantastic plans for either ourselves or the world around us and yet we just cant seem to make that leap, we just cant seem to take the right step and often we succeed in making no steps no movement.

This is where coaching can be of huge help and if coupled with therapy can produce long lasting and effective changes to your well being and your life. 

I then decided to take all of this one step further and offer these expperiences face to face here in spain on your own personallised programme. A project i call ‘Rehab for life’ and it is just that its a residential tailor-made rehabilitation experience for you for your life to last for life. Drawiung together from a wide range of therapeutic practioners based here in the axarquia and nestled deep in the tejada mountains you can enjoy a unique experience of rehabilitation for what ever you a re suffering from and be set back on your true path with a renewed and revitalised energy and mindset. From 4 -14 day programmes are available