Casa la Mina Race for Life



Competa – Casa la Mina

Sunday, June 1st and finally the sun shone. A small trickle of walkers began to arrive and register for the second Race 4 Life Cómpeta in aid of Fundación Cudeca. The trickle soon turned into a torrent and before long 143 people had registered and began to snake their way along the 5km walk up through the Parque National and on to Casa la Mina. There was a real sense of a fiesta, toddlers in pushchairs, small children drinking in the natural beauty and wildlife, and us older ones just waiting for our glass of what turned out to be very potent sangria!

On arrival we were greeted by live music from Acoustic Roots and Legends, and even more people who had driven from far and wide just to be a part of a real community day. There was a most stupendous paella cooked by Cortijo Paco assisted by a group of Spanish ladies all of whom insisted they knew how to cook the perfect paella. There was also face painting and pony rides for the children, a Raffle Draw with more than
100 prizes, and an incredible auction including hang gliding and dirt bike experiences, a luxury villa for the weekend, a dining experience not otherwise available at the beautiful Finca el Cerillo, plus much more, all donated by local businesses, friends and acquaintances to whom I am truly grateful. The party lasted well in to the evening and whilst there was a serious side to the day, this event bought a community together regardless of nationality and proved that something such as cancer touches everyone but together we can make a positive difference.

Thank you very much to everyone who took part, especially those who gave their time and donated
generously. We raised more than 4200€ after expenses and still counting, a small part of which will go towards a statue to be commissioned and placed in Cómpeta to remember those who we have lost.
Debi Bond