We are currently rewriting an up to date version of “Old Mother Hubbard” to allow the children to enjoy the Pantomime as well as the adults.

We plan to hold the show during the last few days of November, venue to be confirmed, but we hope for the room above the Museo de Costumbres y Artes in Competa.

We are now asking for anyone wishing to perform or assist in any way to email me with their details. Backstage there are a mass of jobs required, some people will be needed the whole time we are rehearsing while others needed for final rehearsals and the actual production.

It ranges from stage hands – moving scenery, operating curtains etc, hairdresser, make up and nail help, prompter, props assistants, dressers, costume makers and so the list goes on, so if you have some talent to spare we would love to make use of it. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE EXPERIENCED.

Please bear in mind that if you sign up to perform or one of the long term back stage roles there are 3 months of rehearsals (twice weekly) and preparation.

We anticipate auditions in June and will advise all concerned.

If you do have ideas for fund raising and have time to spare we are also looking to recruit new committee members. We do need a Treasurer and Secretary so if that is your flair then we need you. Apply to Mave now or wait for the AGM on July 17th. Details nearer the time.

Please email to or phone 952 516 632