Beating the January Blues



It's that time of year- everyone starts to make new year resolutions but first read this article as to why you shouldn’t bother!!

January – the month we all dread. The hangover month, the anti-climax after the frantic merrymaking of Christmas, seems to be the most dreaded time of the year.

It's easy to see why we all feel so depressed – all the presents have been opened, the turkey eaten, the alcohol consumed, the waist belts loosened, the bank balanced totaled and what do we have left over? Huge hangovers, huge thighs and, worst of all, no cash and not much prospect for getting any for the next 5 weeks. Yes, January seems like one long month of Monday mornings stretching out in front of us, so what do we usually do? Make ourselves feel even worse, that's what!

When I have a hangover I like to pamper myself to get me through it all as easily as possible; big fry up in the morning, lounge around on the settee all day watching dodgy films, take away for tea then crawl into bed to sleep it all away, and hey-presto, I wake up the next day feeling ready to do it all over again. I would imagine most people do the same when they can get away with it. So why do we turn into such masochists in January?

“Why begin to punish yourself when you are already at your lowest ebb?”

Instead of pampering and mollycoddling ourselves just to get through the worst month of the year we do the complete opposite. We punish ourselves by making resolutions that we will never in a million years have the will nor the want to stick to. It's like deciding to give up chocolate at the first sign of PMT
(all the women know what I mean) or giving up alcohol for lent when you know St Patrick's day is only round the corner (all the Irish people will know what I mean) its just not going to happen! Let's be realistic, why begin to punish yourself when you are already at your lowest ebb?
“So all those new years resolutions, just forget about them they won't work!”

Picture it; the coldest month of the year, your bank manager hates your guts, your brain has been rung dry of endorphins by New Years Eve and your energy is zero; all you want is a snuggly duvet, hot water bottle and yard of Cadburys dairy milk and then YES! – you have this eureka moment I know, I'll go on a diet!! Or better still, just when I need a stiff whiskey and an extra strong cigarette the most I'll quit them both! AND I'm going to go to the gym 3 times a week, work harder, learn Spanish and be more patient with everyone
around me!! Yeah right. Do you see how ridiculous that is, and why we are all absolutely doomed to failure, which will in turn make us feel even worse about ourselves?

So all those new years resolutions, just forget about them they won't work! Concentrate on getting through the month as comfortably and cheerfully as you can. Then come February you'll be ready for it. February is a month of more possibilities, it only lasts 4 weeks after all, it flies by in no time, the daylight begins to yawn and stretch further into the evenings and it's only one month until spring begins in March. No more 'mucho frio' talk from the neighbours and there's a possibility of squeezing in a beach trip if the weather permits (which, lets face it, it probably will). Before you know it January will just be like a bad dream, a dim and distant fear conquered and put to rest, at least for another year. So take my advice wait till February before you make any life changing decisions, you'll be much more likely to stick to them and less likely to hate yourself for being so weak and pathetic.