This month I met Dani Hill the CEO and owner of Axarfusion. The company is celebrating its first anniversary and would like to update you on how the last year has gone, present offers and future projects.

Axarfusion is your local Internet service provider for Competa; the surrounding villages and countryside. Dani is an extremely professional, intelligent young man who has grown up in Competa, he is fluent in English and Spanish and is fully integrated into the local community.

The business opened to the public in June last year after presenting the initial project to the town hall in August 2017. His dedication and successful business are a credit to him. Axarfusion provides an excellent service, including fibre Optic internet within the village of Competa, high speed WIFI internet connections for the countryside; and competitively priced fixed line and mobile telephones services.
Axarfusion pride themselves on their aftercare services. This is very important as Dani explains, he has lived for much of his life in Competa and has known many of his customers for most of his life. Happy customers will always pass on recommendations; after all word of mouth is the best way to help a business to grow!
Dani has a lot of enthusiasm about what the company has achieved in the last year and where the business is going in the future.

One important change is that Axarfusion offices now incorporate another local business, PC Competa. This partnership now enables them to provide a “one stop shop” for all your technology needs. You can now visit the office for computer repairs, computer sales and accessories as well as all of the established services Dani already offers.

Dani was keen to explain you don’t have to use Axarfusion for everything, but many people like the idea of using just one service provider, it can make repairs and problem solving much easier if your provider knows your complete system.

Axarfusion are keen to keep their transmitters and antennas up-to-date, using the latest technology to be able to provide the best internet connection to your homes. These upgrades are constantly in process and are of course free of charge to all customers.

They have extended their network to the Arenas area and now have new transmitters in the Corca, Monte Alegre and Esperragueras areas. By the end of this year the fibre optic network will be expanded to include Cruz de Monte and Lomo de Tapia in Cómpeta. Although, constantly trying to expand their services, this takes time and is often limited waiting for permissions and licences to be issued from local town halls.

Dani and his team are also preparing for a new EU directive which states that all homes, rural and urban, should have access to at least 30mb of Internet. Axarfusion are already 90 % ready to go live when the directive is issued.

Axarfusion have become aware of a need within the community for a competitively price fixed landline telephone service only. This will be available in all areas, with low costs call plans and it does not require you have an internet connection.

If you would like to have a chat about what Axarfusion can offer, please feel free to give us a call or drop into our offices in Competa. Phoebe who works in the office is available and very happy to help.

Over the last year Axarfusion has been extremely successful allowing them to reinvest to ensure a great service and excellent aftercare service.

Axarfusion are exclusively offering for Grapevine readers during the month of July 2019 FREE INSTALLATION. Sign up during this month letting us know you have read our article and take advantage of this offer