Will you be in Andalucia at Easter and do you like art and culture? Then Cómpeta is the place to be! In this beautiful mountain village an attractive international art event is taking place for the 9th time. 22 locations will be open to the public. National, international and local artists will show their art. This year the event is bigger than ever with 38 participating artists from 10 different countries. So, it will be completely in line with what Cómpeta originally means: a crossing of roads.

The fact that the Art Walk coincides with Semana Santa creates a fascinating adventitious circumstance, as at the same time the authentic and traditional Easter processions will take place in this picturesque village.

The Art Walk takes place April 12 through 16. Daily between 11am and 7pm a large variety of art can be seen. Many artists will be present and will be ready to talk about their work. On Good Friday, April 14, all locations will be closed.            

 The Art Walk offers a large diversity in art works made by artists from ten different countries. You’ll find a variety of woodwork, jewelry, ceramics, pottery, metal objects, paintings, drawings, graphics, photographs, mosaics, bronze statues and works in textile. Among the participants this year there are several young Spanish artists, such as Jaime Adan, Alberto Tarsicio and Beatriz Constan. They are from the region and eager to conquer the art world with their unique work. From Beatriz Constan, for instance, her large and colorful works in textile can be seen. 

One of the nice aspects of this art route is the large number of participants that have an actual connection to the village of Cómpeta. Either from  living in Competa in the past or because they live in the village now, or they make frequent visits. Other international artists come specially to this mountain village for the Art Walk to exhibit  their work, to make new contacts, to enjoy the relaxed and creative atmosphere and to sell their art.

The Art Walk is a successful and much visited event in Cómpeta. This year to assure its continuation, for the first time, sponsoriship by local businesses has been sought. Anyone who cares for this event and would like see the 10th edition next year can support the Art Walk by donating 5 Euro  at the information booth on the village square or the tourist office. By doing so you have a chance to win an all inclusive two day stay for four in one of the lodges of Cómpeta Hikes.
We look forward to the event and are ready to provide the many visitors a couple of art filled days. The great variety and the quality of the exhibited art are certainly worth  the effort of driving up the winding road into the mountains to Cómpeta.

Organised by Lieuwke Loth & Art Walk team 2017. Sponsored by many businesses and the Grapevine Magazine.

Leaflets can be found in town, and the tourist office of Cómpeta.
More information on the exhibited art, the music and workshops, can be found on