Any film lovers reading this may recognise the formulaic start to a disaster movie; the main character is in the kitchen making tea, or dealing with the kids. In the background somebody on the radio or TV is on talking about an event far away, an earthquake or some unexplained illness in a far off country. The movie character is too busy to hear what is going on, but fast forward a few weeks, the event is now their reality and causing chaos. In the movie, the main character saves the world, In the real life version we’re going to have to save each other.

What the disaster movie does not show is the day to day horror of unpaid rent, taxes and utility bills and job losses. The challenges of owning a small business are manifold, the government has postponed some of these payments, postponed, not cancelled.

As we live under lockdown our worlds have effectively shrunk (albeit temporarily). We still need to buy food to eat and to buy medicines when necessary and under current circumstances most of us are doing so locally. I sincerely hope that by the time this article has been published the Covid-19 outbreak is under control and life has begun to return to normality. I also hope that people continue to support small shops and local suppliers rather than getting in their cars and buying from large, faceless companies, that rely on algorithms to remember what sausages you like, rather than a good chat. They have the resources to survive no matter what, the rest of us don’t. It would seem to me that Spain is in a very good position to do this. Fruit and vegetables are on the whole produced and sold locally – hence the welcome lack of lorries blocking the autovias – and I am sure many have noticed the abundance of patatas fritas (or crisps) in shops that have been made only kilometres away. This means the manufacturer is a small company making a living by supplying locally and employing local people.

Now is the ideal to time to keep supporting those small businesses around us. Here’s a few ways you can help.

Postpone, don’t cancel.
Continue to make plans. This is (probably) not the end of the world. Restaurant meals will still be eaten, holidays will be taken, houses will still be bought and sold. Give us a vote of confidence by postponing, not cancelling. Most of us currently have no income. postponing gives us a future.

Buy Gift Cards
Inject some cash into a small business, right now. Buy a gift card, or ask for a credit note. If it can’t be used immediately, it will still be valid when life returns to normal. Or maybe gift it to someone who is ill to remind them that life will return to normal.

Shop with small businesses online
Small businesses make a major economic impact, they provide better customer service, provide greater access to product diversity and create a sense of community. I hope it will make you feel good

So, I hope people continue to stay safe and strong during the lockdown and through whatever follows. These challenging times could actually benefit society. The siege mentality has already produced communal balcony singing in Italy, and in Spain the nightly round of applause for those on the front line of the fight against the spread of the virus. In Venice, the lack of visitors has seen the water begin run clear. Isolation has been only physical, friends and family have supported each other from afar. Social media has been hilarious. People have been brave, optimistic, funny and kind. My cousin messaged me to say that since the shutdown of professional sport he has been talking to a lovely lady called Donna. Donna is of course, his wife!

Debbie Wilkes
La Casa Bella