Last month I had the pleasure of meeting Tanya Kennedy from Revive Massage. Tanya moved from Northern Ireland in July to set up permanent residence in Competa and has started to build a business in the area offering Therapeutic Massage.  She currently shares a location with EGO Hair & Beauty just off the main Plaza Almijara, a perfect partnership as she builds her business with the ultimate aim of establishing a dedicated clinic in Competa.

Massage is not normally something I do, but Tanya assured me that I would definitely benefit from it, especially with the aches and pains that sometimes occur after the regular sport I play. So, I booked an appointment. 
At the beginning of the appointment we discussed my health and lifestyle. Although I was slightly apprehensive, Tanya immediately put me ate ease explaining that gaining an understanding of me as a person and the health benefits that she could offer me through massage therapy was essential to a good massage.  Although massage can be a 'nice to have', it is now considered a mainstream treatment option with many insurance companies providing cover for treatment sessions. Massage therapy can help with stress relief and can boost energy levels as well as reducing pain and stimulating individuals on physical and emotional levels. Additional health benefits include lowered blood pressure, muscle relaxation, improved circulation and a strengthened immune system.

After the initial consultation Tanya suggested a 90 minutes full body massage.  She advised that massaging muscles in my arms and legs would help to relieve the aches and pains from sport,  a stomach massage would help with digestion issues and a full back, neck and head massage would help relieve tension and stress. This may seem, for some, an idyllic way to spend an hour and a half, but for many that know me well, a full body massage isn't something I would normally choose nor would  be laying still for an hour and half!

The treatment room is inviting with soft lighting and soothing music creating the perfect setting to chill. Tanya left me to remove my clothing and settle myself on the treatment bed which was incredibly comfy and soft and I found myself almost relaxing, well almost!  As soon as Tanya joined me in the room, she ensured that towels were arranged to cover my entire body and only the area being massaged was uncovered at any time throughout the session.
Starting on the back of my legs, Tanya checked the depth of pressure that I wanted. She got the level perfect and I began to enjoy the moment. It felt exceptionally good; as if she was releasing tightness and tiredness in my legs in every movement she made.  As I lay there I thought how much my mum would benefit from this treatment due to her arthritis in her legs. If Tanya found a knot or a part that didn't feel quite right she spent extra time in that area to improve the problem. 

Tanya moved to my back, neck and shoulders; I found this part fantastic. My shoulders and my back are weak parts for me and I often suffer in these areas after cycling. I really felt as if she was easing the areas and smoothing out tight points as I lay there.  When I turned over, I loved the fact that Tanya covered my eyes with a light towel so there was no awkwardness with eyes open or closed, or a need to talk. I can honestly say I was really enjoying it and relaxing into it all. 

The stomach massage I thought I would find a little odd, but I didn't. The way Tanya moved across my body working areas professionally with ease and confidence made me feel relaxed at all times. The 90 minutes flew by and I could even have stayed longer. I thought Tanya was excellent. In honesty I had to leave for another appointment and Tanya would normally talk thorough what she felt and found through the massage process. Instead she emailed me her findings and an aftercare flyer to ensure I looked after myself. 

That night I slept brilliantly and, in the morning, I didn't feel the tension in my neck and shoulders that I usually have and my muscles didn't feel as tight in general.

I now fully appreciate the health benefits of massage, not to mention how incredibly relaxing the entire experience was. Tanya was incredibly generous with her time and I would definitely recommend a visit to her. 

See her advert on the opposite page and give her a call. She also will come to you if you can't come to her.