Is All the Hype About Aromatherapy True?



This is a question I have been asked many times, however the answer does depend on the claims that you have personally heard.

So many products, often incorrectly, use the term aromatherapy on their products. The practice of aromatherapy is the use of volatile plant oils, including essential oils, for psychological and physical well-being. Holistic aromatherapy does not include the use of fragrance oils or unnatural products. Unfortunately, many sellers of so-called aromatherapy products just use the term "aromatherapy" to sell their pleasant-smelling product. If you go to many stores that sell any kind of candles, bath or beauty products, you'll most likely see products labeled with the word "aromatherapy." In my personal experience, most times I see the word "aromatherapy" on products not sold by reputable aromatherapy retailers, the word is used incorrectly.
Below are a few common questions and answers that will help clarify what aromatherapy can and can't do.

Can aromatherapy cure my major illness or psychological problem?
If you expect or hope that aromatherapy will in itself cure a major illness you will probably be in for a disappointment. But if you expect that aromatherapy can help with a physical condition, can help with symptoms, can affect your mood, or help alleviate or temporarily eliminate stress or other psychological factors, you will be delighted with the results that you experience.

For example, aromatherapy will not cure serious illness such as cancer or AIDS. Aromatherapy, however, can help enhance a cancer patient's quality of life by enhancing the patient's mood, calming fear and can help ease nausea during chemotherapy treatments. For AIDS patients, aromatherapy can also help enhance the patient's quality of life psychologically and essential oils can help improve one's immune system and thus potentially assist an AIDS patient that way.

Aromatherapy is a complementary alternative health modality. Its current use is not intended to replace standard medical care, but is meant to complement it. Aromatherapy can offer an alternative choice to taking prescription or over-the-counter chemical drugs. Aromatherapy can offer practical benefit for a variety of common ailments or symptoms such as assisting with muscle pain, cuts, wounds, bruises, inflammation, indigestion, acne, skincare, PMS, menstruation, and can provide mental and emotional assistance with such issues as stress, fatigue, anxiety, fear, and the list goes on and on!

Aromatherapy does have valid and extraordinary uses. But, as with anything in life, sensibility comes into play. Aromatherapy can play a beneficial role in assisting with major illnesses, but it cannot be depended upon as a cure for serious issues. It can, however, improve one's lifestyle tremendously.