Dream Interiors, the soft furnishing workshop is based on Torrox Costa and is run by Tony and Kath with quite a tale to tell.
Kath and Tony originally bought a holiday home on Punta Lara near Nerja, However a few years later they sold the place to further an investment in the UK. As they did not want to sever all links with the area they decided to purchase a beach side apartment off plan for future holidays.
Back in the UK they were badgered by friends to move over permanently to Spain and to open their business because the English community had no where to go and have tailor made curtains and accessories without a language barrier and dare we say, a metric and feet and inches problem.
Tony and Kath were flattered by this idea and thought long about a move to Spain. After all they were buying an apartment in the area which could be their home for a couple of years while they concentrated on the business. So decision made they moved over in the autumn of 2003. What should have been a simple transition turned into an absolute nightmare. The developer refused their legal representative access to view the property before purchasing (and who parts with 100,000 euros before seeing what they are buying.) Court actions followed and then an appeal but because of incorrect evidence given to the judges their deposit was lost, their home and savings. Tony says BEWARE because even when you employ legal people it can still go wrong.
They are now trying to move on and focus on the future. They are a small hardworking family team, with a wealth of experience. Whether it is a new build, a refurbishment of an older property or it is just time to revamp your current home, they have the knowledge and enthusiasm to help. Dream interiors are not governed by what is on the shelf, only by what is in your mind. With the client's imagination and their skills Dream Interiors can create traditional or modern themes to suit all budgets. They are a workshop with years of experience, not a design studio with a high price tag for bought in merchandise. So what can Dream Interiors do…..Well from start to finish they make all kinds of curtains and window dressings, including tab tops, pencil pleats, swags and tails, japanese panels, pelmets and valances They can design individual cushions of all shapes and sizes, make headboards to match the bedroom theme and create bed throws co complete the whole thing. Dream Interiors also make throws or fitted covers for lounge furniture and even reupholster those items you love but have seen better days.
Moving from the lounge to the dining room
Clients can have their chairs covered or re-upholstered, choose table cloths, serviettes and table runners that all match. In fact they can help with most projects.