A strenuous and hard fought dart’s season finally came to an end at the beginning of March and as always the season was packed full of incident. Dave Dawson nearly bought a round of drinks, Aurelio Perez almost managed to play for three different teams in a season, Kelly Kelsey and Geoff Etheridge played a doubles match without arguing and Ken England managed to hit the board with all three darts. As a result, his team, Pavo Real, will play next season without the need for protective glasses.
Thoughts turned to the trophy presentation night, which had special significance this year, following the sad passing of our friend and colleague, Aden Penn. Aden had previously played for La Casona in the dart’s league and it was thought a fitting tribute to rename the winner’s trophy in his memory, The Aden Penn Memorial Trophy. This would be a permanent reminder of Aden who encapsulated everything that the dart’s league is about – a night out with friends, a game of darts, a few beers and most importantly playing for fun. Aden certainly played in that spirit.
So a number of highly tuned dart’s athletes trooped off at the end of March to El Pilon restaurant for the presentation of trophies and medals. The evening was well attended and we were all very pleased to welcome Aden’s Mum, who had flown over from the UK as well as his sister, Sophie and brother Louis.
The first winners of the Aden Penn Memorial Trophy were La Peña Amigos so congratulations to them – Dennis Haslam, Mick Lewis, Peter Pointer, Paul Burgin, Allison Taylor , Colin Jeffery, Terry and Sue Keely.
Trophies and medals were also handed out in various other categories including best bar food during the season, which went to our hosts for the presentation night, El Pilon. Well done and thanks to them for hosting the evening.
A good night was had by all and now all the players will have a well earned rest to recover tired throwing arms and worn out livers. No doubt it won’t be long before teams are back at their summer training camps readying themselves for the coming season. Training will no doubt be hard to get back to peak fitness of downing 10 pints whilst still being able to hit the board with three darts. Bring it on – hic!
Winners in other categories were as follows:-
Most checkouts (male) –
Steve Twiselton (33)
Most checkouts (female) – Allison Taylor (24)
Maximum 180 scored –
Paco (Archez), Dave Dawson, Geoff Etheridge, Colin Jeffrey and Pete Forness.
Checkout score more than 100 – Steve Napier (104) and Dennis Haslam (110).
Most scores of 100+ (male) – Steve Twiselton (19)
Most scores of 100+ (female) – Allison Taylor (6)
by Alick Howard