Free Radicals
Hello again. Well the Christmas festivities are over and we are now into a new year. I am sure most of us will have...
A brief look at Epilepsy by Rose Jones
Brain Storm!
The ceiling above my head was a narrow rectangle lit by florescent tube. There was a terrible racket. A man in a yellow...
New Year New Business Venture
New Year, New Business Venture?Many foreign nationals who have relocated to Southern Spain consider at some point setting up a business of their own.Well,...
Garlic Bites February 2008
Extracts from the best selling book "In the Garlic" by Valerie Collins and Theresa O'Shea Stay a while in Spain, and beyond the sunshine, fiestas,...
Competa to Canillas de Albaida walk
Tina Irving takes you on a guided walk starting from Competa heading to the village of Canillas de Albaida via Caballos de Mosquin Starting...
Oranges and Lemons
One of the most evocative and enduring images of Spain is the sight of an orange tree, shiny-leaved, with its intoxicating perfume and juicy...
An emotional return
I often consider experiencing England again somewhat like bumping into your Ex at a party. You can easily remember why you got on and...
Competa to Casa la Mina Walk
Starting from Plaza Carmen, follow the sign to Jatar and Colmenillas. At the top of the slope, turn left and head towards the magnificent...
UFOS Exist
Of course UFOs exist. I myself have seen lots of them. You are sceptical? Well, possibly you mistake my meaning. I can't organise a...