Reality TV in Spain
Reality TV? Oh come on. It's about as 'real' as politician's honesty. Sure the candidates don't follow a script, but they know the score...
Salvador Dali
Judging the success of an artist is not an easy thing to quantify. Damien Hirst is currently the world's most expensive living artist at...
You may have wondered when stuck in traffic on a particularly hot day and with a car full of visitors from the UK why...
Stiletto Gig in Competa
Stiletto Gig in the Alley Cat Bar, Competa Saturday 10th May saw the first solo gig of hot new Competa band 'Stiletto' in the...
Many people are unaware of the advantages of using a specialist, Professional Property Management Company as opposed to relying on a neighbour or friend...
Hello to Andalucia Part Three
How a poor, befuddled Englishman has begun to build a new life in Spain.By Glenn Stuart.Routines? Well, I’ve never been a routines person, a...
Garlic Bites May 2008
Extracts from the best selling book "In the Garlic" by Valerie Collins and Theresa O'Shea Stay a while in Spain, and beyond the sunshine,...
The Rainbow Flower Bearded Iris Iris Germanica
Some 300 species of iris are known, many of them native to Northern Europe and found in a vast range of habitats, from...
Competa Sweet and Charming
Cómpeta was bustling over Easter weekend with visitors from all over Spain and abroad. The multicultural, multinational atmosphere was electric and the weekend was...