
Hello to Andalucia Part 10

The Day dawned bright and brilliant, the sky the deepest shade of blue, like any typical summer’s day in Spain. Except this wasn’t summer...

Hello to Andalucia Part 9

The appointed day came and after we’d picked him up from the airport and brought him back to our house, he showered and then...

Ability Cleaning

I had met Jamie and Andy a few times and they were always keen to tell me they weren’t just men with a mop...

More reasons to come to Competa

 The beautiful town of Cómpeta sits surrounded by Natural Park in the Sierra Almijara just 50 kilometres from Malaga. The hills, mountains and lovely...

Two Nutty Giants

 Chestnuts roasting on an open fire ……… the lyrics and scene fill us with nostalgia for chilly autumn evenings, family and friends together, chatting...

Britains favourite food

I remember my first curry well; a group of colleagues at my first workplace invited me along to their monthly visit to an Indian...

Axarquia Calendar

 Calanders can be purchased from the following businesses.CompetaDE-Zoya Ladies FashionsLorraine Cavanaghs Garden CentreMarco PoloMuseo del VinoPortichello CentreThe Earth CollectionTin TinTodo PapelCanillas de AlbaidaRestaurant AlbaidaLake...

Hello to Andalucia Part8

How a poor, befuddled Englishman has begun to build a new life in Spain.The build-up to Christmas had begun! I'd never been anywhere else...

Garlic Bites October 2008

 Extracts from the best selling book "In the Garlic" by Valerie Collins and Theresa O'Shea  Stay a while in Spain, and beyond the sunshine, fiestas,...