Diary of a Thespian
How the hell did I get here? Last year I was one of many who attended the successful adult Panto, Cinderella, in aid of...
The Palm Moth
Many of you, by now, will have become intimately acquainted with the rhynchophorusferrugineos, or red palm weevil. As if our palms didn’t have enough...
Lee Talbot Construction
Septic Tanks and Water Saving SolutionsSome older Fincas in Spain have a “posa negra” literally a hole in the ground rather than a septic...
Around and About in Andalucia
Between the mountains and the sea lies Malaga, historical and cultural city of Southern Spain. Its cathedral dates back to the sixteenth century and...
In my day we had it tough
The pampered youth of today have it easy – laptops, iPods, £120 trainers, computer games consoles, the list goes on. When to give your...
Marrakech Art Fair
The Marrakech Art Fair is coming up fast (it's from the 9th to the 11th) but if you have time to take a quick...
Turning the Pages and Seasons
Our local fiesta, Noche de las Candelas in early September is, in part, a pagan type festival looking for good weather during the grape...
A Damm Fine Spanish Beer?Last Month, Alick Howard wrote about beer (following Andy Wilkes' Wine article) bemoaning the fact that there's not much in...
Here is the news
Newspapers are a big part of the British culture and it is said the paper you read says a lot about you regarding where...