10 years ago Mel and Andy first opened their salon doors to their customers so Happy Anniversary e.g.o hair and beauty! They have come a long way in ten years. Mel and Andy came out to Spain last September 10 years ago and as Andy was a qualified hairdresser it was only natural to set up business straight away. The aim was to be mobile for 6 months to a year, to test the market and the need for another hairdresser in town, build a client base and hopefully be able to open a Salon sometime in the future. However it soon became apparent this plan had to be adjusted to opening a salon after only a couple of months! Andy had attained so many clients he couldn’t fit them in, as he had to travel to them. So the need for a salon where people came to him just made more sense. Once they decided a premise was essential, Mel swung into action and located a place, furniture and all the necessary equipment and within a month they were open! Business was great for a good few years and then, as with all businesses they saw the effects of recession, but rather than rest on their laurels they expanded! Mel had already been on some training courses in Spain and soon provided manicures and pedicures but in order for the beauty side of the business to expand they needed a bigger Salon with a private treatment area. This premise was easy to find as the next door local was now empty and with a little readjustment a private treatment area could be created alongside a larger Salon area for both hair and beauty treatments. Mel attended further training courses on waxing and facials so with the opening of the new larger salon she was able to offer an extensive list of beauty services. Most recently she has trained in the eye lash lift which I can say from personal experience gave excellent results. The private treatment area has proved successful not only for Mel’s treatments but also for other therapists that have wanted to work with them. Over the last 5 years Andy has researched and trained in crystal, spiritual and massage healing along with providing energy treatments on houses, businesses and pets. He also teaches all these spiritual services, except massage and is currently building a website to reflect this side of the business www internationalholistichealing.com but can be seen on face book at International Holistic Healing with Andy Dabeba. Overall the business over the last 10 years has proved successful due to Mel and Andy expanding and diversifying and of course through the support of their customers. To show their appreciation they are offering 10% off all their hair and beauty services and products in the salon for the whole month of January “ 10 years and 10 % off seems like a natural idea to me” Mel said! Also please join them for drinks and nibbles and help celebrate their 10 years of business on January Saturday 14th at the Salon in Competa just off Plaza Almijara. See advert opposite.